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Curriculum Intent  

At Abbey Primary School, our children will be young scientists. Our challenging yet stimulating curriculum will provide the foundation for science; a system of observations and experiments used to gain knowledge about how and why things happen the way they do by using our senses to observe the world and experiments to investigate how it works. Abbey Primary increases curiosity for the future by developing scientific enquiry skills: comparative and fair testing, observing over time, seeking patterns, identifying, classifying and grouping and the use of secondary sources. We seek to inspire their love of this fascinating subject by encouraging opportunities for life-long learning and future related careers.  


We are committed to learning about scientists from a diverse range of ethnical backgrounds, including those of all genders and disabilities, to encourage aspirations for all. 


Curriculum Implementation  

We follow the Willow Learning Trust scheme of work for science in KS2. This has been developed by subject specialists across the Trust. Science is taught in units, spanning a half term, which gives children the opportunity to become immersed in a topic, deepen their knowledge and understanding, and identify their own lines of enquiry and investigation. In KS1 the scheme is currently being developed for year 2 in the interim year 1 follow the Ark scheme which reflects the national curriculum and the same structure of the scheme. Within Early Years, science is planned from the EYFS framework and the 2020 Development Matters: the main focus area being Understanding the World with links to Communication and Language and Personal, Social and Emotional Development. At Abbey, an ever changing investigation area allows the children to start becoming young scientists by learning through play and exploring which is adjusted to develop the skill of creating and thinking critically. 


Science is taught once a week in both KS1 and KS2. Lessons start with retrieval practice (previous lesson, previous units, previous year group learning). A science ‘hook’ engages our children in their learning. Engaging activities are based on a meaningful context. 


Each unit is outlined within the curriculum map with a corresponding progression of knowledge and skills. Children develop their scientific enquiry through half termly experiments linked to their unit. End of unit assessments feed into the next unit’s retrieval practice. 


Teachers are well-trained, have strong subject knowledge and high expectation of the children which ensures that any misconceptions are challenged and addressed.  


Curriculum Impact  

As a result of what we are implementing, we will have a generation of young scientists whose attitudes are overwhelmingly positive and enthusiastic. They will have developed an understanding of scientific enquiry and investigation and how this links to real scientific issues that impact their everyday lives. In doing this, pupils will become assured learners willing to take risks, ask questions and carry out scientific enquiries. 


Assessment and monitoring activities will emphasise children’s development in the knowledge and the skills summarised in the curriculum map and their capability to use the key components of scientific enquiry which will create confident and ready students for their next stage of learning. 


By the end of KS2 our children will understand: 

  1. Working scientifically (E.g use a range of scientific equipment to take accurate and precise measurements or readings, with repeat readings where appropriate, see Key stage 2 science teacher assessment framework) 

  1. Science content from KS2 (construct and interpret food chains (year 4), see Key stage 2 science teacher assessment framework)