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Governing Body

Our governors are representatives of the parents, school staff and the local community. They meet together four times a term and regularly visit the school. They have responsibility for overseeing the organisation, curriculum and budget of the school. The day-to-day running of the school is entrusted to the Headteacher and staff. 


Here is a list of our school governors:

Mr M Rosewell - Chair (Maths and Governor) 

Mrs S Seal -  Vice-Chair (Trustees Finance Committee)

Mrs S Dutta (Safeguarding Governor)

Mrs L Hall (English Lead Community Governor)


Here is a list of our staff governors:

Mrs A Stirling-Williams (Headteacher)

Mr A Tanner (Staff Governor)

Miss S Collings (Staff Governor)


Here is a list of our parent governors:

Abbey Azzopardi (SEN Parent Governor)

Jenny Farrell (Early Years Parent Governor)

Each governor is elected or appointed to serve for 4 years. They then become eligible for re-election or re-appointment. If necessary, governors can be contacted via the School Office. 


Click here to view information about Governors including Business Interests.

To view the Academy's trustees please click HERE .

To view Academy information, including the Trust Annual Report and accounts please click HERE .